My Story
Hi, I’m Sandro. A lifelong endurance athlete, Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist, and coach to distance runners since 2013.
I’m here to help you become a faster runner from the 5K to the marathon.
Hi, I’m Sandro. A lifelong endurance athlete, Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist, and coach to distance runners since 2013.
Hi, I’m Sandro. A lifelong endurance athlete, Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist, and coach to distance runners since 2013.
I’m here to help you become a faster runner from the 5K to the marathon.
My first contact with endurance sports was at the tender age of 14 when I joined a local mountain bike club. Brutal rides across rugged, hilly terrain, lasting several hours at times—this was for me!
The combination of endurance, intensity, and speed had me hooked.
At age 17, I became a triathlete. I competed in Olympic-distance triathlons in the summer and duathlons during the spring/fall season. At that time, I also ran multiple 10K races and the occasional half-marathon.
As a teenager, I was a self-coached athlete. And therein was the problem. While I had a basic understanding of training derived from books and magazines, I didn’t get the balance of rest and recovery right, let alone an intelligent training progression. In my mind, more was better. Needless to say, I was constantly burned out, battling frequent colds and injuries.
Hence, in my 20s, I turned my back on endurance training in favor of serious strength training and Muay Thai. I continued the basic ‘fitness running’ all ring sport athletes engage in, a walk in the park after years of multi-sport endurance training.
Eventually, a shoulder injury inspired a comeback to the sport of running. That focus—and improved training methodology—massively increased my running performance, leading to faster race results (and more awards) than I dreamed possible.
Yet, I still only run 4 – 5 times per week. That leaves enough time for complementary strength training and cross-training. In my case, that’s a gym membership and Muay Thai. For you, it might be bodyweight workouts, Yoga, swimming, or any other activity.
For us amateur and age-group runners, that’s just a healthier way to train. With a balanced training regimen, we look better, feel better, and perform better. That enhances the quality of our work and social life, too.
What’s more, running allows me to switch between different race distances. From the 400m sprint to the marathon, I have raced it all over the years. That’s the beauty of being an amateur athlete—not being locked into a particular race distance.
But what I love most about running is that it is measurable. With a running smartwatch, I can put a number on my VO2 max, lactate threshold, and maximal speed. The finer details require some lab equipment, but they’re quantifiable. Better training leads to faster race results. Therefore, every race informs me whether my training was effective—in minutes and seconds.
As an NSCA-Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist, I hold a certification that is widely recognized as the gold standard for sports performance training. This prestigious qualification, which requires a four-year college or university degree for eligibility, is not easily obtained, making it a testament to my dedication and expertise. Currently, I am furthering my knowledge and skills by pursuing the Performance and Sport Scientist qualification, also offered by the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA), a non-profit organization with its headquarters in Colorado Springs, USA.
Both qualifications draw from various disciplines, such as exercise physiology, biomechanics, psychology, medicine, and nutrition.
My focus in the strength and conditioning field and its sub-disciplines is running performance. To stay current, I read scientific studies in both English and German. Of course, I have also studied the works of all great running coaches (past and present), and I’m certainly indebted to them. Feel free to reach out for book recommendations. I’m an avid reader, and I’m happy to give my two cents on it.
But training theory alone doesn’t make for a good coach, of course. I also have 11 years of real-world experience coaching athletes in person on the track and writing custom training plans for online clients who happen to live on five different continents. Their invaluable feedback has helped me grow as a running coach over the years.
Some of my athletes, in their late 30s, run sub-16-minute 5Ks and sub-2:40-hour marathons on less than 60 miles (100 km).
My understanding of the challenges and triumphs of running training is not just theoretical. I have lived and breathed it as an athlete myself. When I assign a long run at the end of a demanding training week, I know exactly what it feels like. Having lived abroad for more than a decade and experienced running in 69 different countries, I have acquired a deep empathy for the unique challenges that each athlete faces in their training journey.
Just because running is a simple activity doesn’t mean training can be simplistic.
First, all workouts ideally have a specific purpose to improve endurance, speed, stamina—or a combination thereof. In scientific terms, race fitness is a combination of general endurance, lactate threshold, VO2 max, running economy, maximal speed, and fatigue resistance at race pace. The right workouts at the appropriate intensity result in the most significant improvements.
Those are easy runs, long runs, steady-state runs, tempo runs, VO2max intervals, and repetitions—at times in exciting variations.
Secondly, these workouts have to be embedded into training weeks. Balance is achieved through the optimal training frequency for your level and with Stephen Seiler’s proven 80/20 ratio of easy mileage and intensities at or above the lactate threshold. In other words, the interplay between training stimuli and rest ensures you benefit from your running workouts.
Training Effect = Work x Recovery
Finally, there is the intelligent week-by-week progression with periodization. This is the roadmap towards peak performance in a 5K, 10K, HM, or marathon race. My plans are designed with the modern non-linear periodization approach. Here, a mix of various training stimuli is present throughout the training cycle that gradually transitions from an emphasis on general to race-specific abilities.
That ensures a high fitness level year-round and continuous long-term progress from season to season.
Let me know your goals and background so I can recommend a training plan to you. Email:
I look forward to hearing from you.
Sandro Sket, CSCS
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